Show all domains/aliases in subscription

Discussion in 'Feature Suggestions' started by iantresman, Oct 14, 2011.

  1. iantresman

    iantresman Junior Member

    As a host with dedicated server running Plesk 10 as Admin, it would be very helpful if Subscriptions would show:

    a. all the domains and aliases associated with a particular subscription.
    b. quick links to edit them

    It is very tedious to have to go to the Control Panel each time, and Aliases are impossible to find.

    Subscription Subscriber Setup Date Admin 14 Oct 2011 [Add domain] [preview] [files] [website] [stats] [ssl] [logs] [DNS] [+ Alias] [edit] [preview] [files] [website] [stats] [ssl] [logs] [DNS] [+ Alias] [preview] [files] [website] [stats] [ssl] [logs] [DNS] [+ Alias] Admin 13 Oct 2011 [Add domain] [preview] [files] [website] [stats] [ssl] [logs] [DNS] [+ Alias]

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