Hi, I'm looking for a shortcut to suspend my vm. I could use the menu entry Action\Suspend but it takes too long. Anybody know the shortcut to do this with my keyboard? I don't want to close the vm with Command+Q. Kind regards Sebastian
Hi, you can pause Parallels Desktop with the MacOS app shortcuts. (System preferences -> Keyboard-> Shortcuts) But there is no special shortcut to suspend the vm
But pause Parallels Desktop means all vm will be suspended. I use up to 4 vms at the same time and I only want to suspend the one in focus.
Got you, unfortunately Parallels Desktop hasn't such kind of shortcut, but as a workaround you can also use shortcut for close Window (from Parallels Desktop preferences -> Shortcuts ->Application shortcuts) and also change settings from VM configuration -> options -> startup and shut down -> suspend when Window close
Thank you but I don't use the vm in a window. The vm is in fullscreen and with a Command + Q I close a window inside a vm. Or I disable to send shortcut into a vm but then I'll can't use any shortcut inside my vm. :-(
This solution doesn't seem possible anymore, I can only quit completely Parallels Desktop. What is the current best way to suspend a VM (or Parallels) without having to use the menu?