Sharing folders without using network shares

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by Drawing Business, Mar 29, 2007.

  1. Drawing Business

    Drawing Business Bit poster

    I have a Perforce folder on my Mac (the only one in a Windows based company) that is shared with my Parallels Windows XP installation as a Shared Folder. We need to install some Windows tools within the shared folder (to allow a Windows-only tool to build from the shared data). However, the default .NET security provider will not allow programs that access the file system to run from network drives (they will halt as soon as they try to open a file). This is a sensible security measure, but it means we can't run any of the build tools.

    Apparently, there is a way of setting domain-wide security permissions for servers, but in this case the server is the Mac and its only accessed by the virtual pc, so the domain security thing would be major overkill.

    Another alternative is to install Perforce on XP and maintain a second copy of the data, but this is less than ideal, as it means I have to commit work on the Mac, then get the latest revision in Windows before I can build. I also want to avoid going down the route of using more Windows tools; I want to accomplish as much as possible on the Mac, and only use the minimum amount of Windows tools necessary. It also consumes more HD space than is necessary.

    I also considered placing the entire Perforce folder structure on a spareimage, but I can't find a way to mount that image in Parallels.

    Is there any way to access the data folders from Windows WITHOUT adding it as a network share, and without maintaining duplicates? Any thoughts much appreciated.
  2. Eru Ithildur

    Eru Ithildur Forum Maven

    You can't make a specific security exception?
  3. Drawing Business

    Drawing Business Bit poster

    I believe it is only possible to make a domain-wide security exception, which would affect every other machine on the network. Understandably, no-one wants to affect 40+ machines for the sake of the one and only Mac.
  4. Eru Ithildur

    Eru Ithildur Forum Maven

    Hmm... I don't use Windows Domains for our primary control so I am not that up on the issue.

    I am sure the feature is there, it would be absurd if it were not, it just might be command-line... Go take a look on and do a few Googles...
  5. Drawing Business

    Drawing Business Bit poster

    That's one best left to our IT guru; my knowledge of Windows is as scant as I can manage. I'll pass the the advice on to him and keep my fingers crossed.

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