I can only use it for a while before win xp reports an explorer error and quits. I tried re-install Parallels tool but nothing is better.
I had shared folders under the new \\Psf shortcut added to the desktop with the new tools installation...however, now, I get an error stating that --------------------------- Windows Explorer --------------------------- \\Psf is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find out if you have access permissions. Access is denied. I must log into the guest OS as an Administrator or equivilent, and then, once in awhile, I get the Explorer crash noted above.
i haven't managed to open a file yet in shared folders! i get a message saying the "file may be read only, in a different location,......" is this just a problem in beta 6?
Here's a weird one for you. I tried copying a file from the virtual disk to a shared folder, and I get the following error message.
Shared Folders Notes: On my system, Windows Explorer (client) cannot seem to be to retrieve the disk space available on the "shared folder". For a Windows copy, this is not a problem. But for other apps, they check to see how much disk space is available before they start to copy a file. These apps error out as they cannot get disk space free, and refuse to copy said file. IE. utorrent works with shared forlders, BitComet fails with shared folders. I also note that other apps seem to shy away from the shared folder. I have mapped the shared folder to Y:\, then when I set my Windows FTP servers home directory to "Y:\", or \\.host\Share1, the ftp server fails, saying it doesn't see the "Y:" drive. thanks for wonderful product, Loopster..
after a plain new install of a w2k sp4 machine, with vm tools directly installed after w2k installation the shared folder option works. EDIT: after the first windowsupdates after w2k sp4 install and some microsoft network accesses, the shared folder system just leads to the well known error "networkname not found".