Share a Windows virtual machine

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by MicheleA, Jun 2, 2016.

  1. MicheleA

    MicheleA Bit poster

    I'll use the same windows wm for all the accounts of my mac. How can I do that? And once I would have shared the windows vm, when I set many different accounts of windows, I can I obtein that every single account of windows will share the resources of the corrispondent account of mac? i.e. As mac's admin, Marc install parallels and create a windows vm. He will share this vm with Tom. So Marc set an user account for Tom on the Mac and another user account on the Wvm. Tom logs in to the Mac as user and run parallels and then boot the shared windows vm in which logs in with its own account of windows. Which resources of Mac will Tom be able to see? The one of its own account or all the resources of the Mac? In other words, how can Marc let Tom see only the resources of the mac's account of Tom?
  2. PaulChristopher@Parallels

    PaulChristopher@Parallels Product Expert Staff Member

    Hi MicheleA, the optimal variant is the /Users/Shared/ You have to go to that path to check and grant permission to open on all the user profile's. Every user should have permissions to read, write, and execute the virtual machine's files.

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