settings for time machine and smart guard

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by peteri, Jul 6, 2015.

  1. peteri

    peteri Bit poster


    I make backups of my Mac with time machine to a time capsule. n order not I do not want the whole virtual machine included (48 Gb) in each back up. So I read all the information about the settings in Parallels support. However I am still a bit puzzled. So I hope you can answer the following questions.

    1. In configuration/security I checked the box 'enable smart guard'. I suppose that I should not check the box 'Do not back up virtual machine' right above the enable box? And what happens if I do/don't?

    2. if my settings in Parallels are correct, my second question regards the preferences of Time Machine itself: should I exclude the virtual machine in 'options' of these preferences?

    Thanks in advance!

    Peter Ingelse
  2. PaulChristopher@Parallels

    PaulChristopher@Parallels Product Expert Staff Member

    Hi Peteri,
    1. When your virtual machine is backed up, only the most recent changes are saved (the latest snapshot), so the backup process takes less time and uses less space on your Time Machine storage device.
    You can refer for Backing up your virtual machine with Time Machine.
    2. SmartGuard will allow you to restore the latest hourly, daily and weekly snapshot. If the time interval is more than 24 hours, you will be able to restore the latest daily, weekly and monthly snapshot.
    3. Select "Optimize for Time Machine". If you select this option, a snapshot will be taken every 48 hours. Time Machine, when backing up your Mac, will not back up the entire virtual machine, but only its latest snapshot. This allows you to reduce the amount of data that Time Machine backs up, to reduce the time Time Machine spends backing up the virtual hard disk(s), and to minimize the risk of data loss or corruption when restoring the virtual machine hard disk(s) from the Time Machine backup.
  3. peteri

    peteri Bit poster

    Thank you very much. So am I right
    - that I do not check the box 'Do not back up virtual machine' right above the enable box, and
    - that I do not exclude the virtual machine in 'options' of Time Machine preferences?
  4. Dhruba@Parallels


    Yes, you are on the right path @peteri

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