Santa Rosa MBP and Vista?

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by [email protected], Jun 11, 2007.


    [email protected] Member

    I have a MBP with a Core 2 Duo 2.16 (pre Santa Rosa) running Windows XP under Parallels.

    I've noticed that the MBP runs hotter under XP than it does under OS X. Not sure why this is unless it's just that the power management for OS X is confused about the CPU resources being used by WinXP. Anyhow, I've experienced this first hand and it is somewhat disconcerting. However, as a Windows developer, I MUST run Windows and considering a purchase of a NEW MBP with the new Santa Rosa chipset. I also now need to work in Vista AND XP so I need to setup two virtual machines in Parallels. I anticipate spending more time in Vista and will probably only run XP for apps that don't run properly in Vista. (Yep, there are more than I thought. Take Ulead Photo Explorer. I've been using this since version 2.0 and they are up to 8.6 and it still doesn't work in Vista.)

    My question is, does the Santa Rosa MBP exhibit these same thermal characteristics when running Windows in Parallels? How about if you run Vista in Bootcamp?

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