Hi, Did someone succeed to run it on Fedora 7 x64 ? I installed RPM by force as it complains about libs unless they are present on system. When I run parallels-config it tells me I'm missing Kernel sources unless I downloaded package from fedora mirror and installed it on system !! What should I do ? Thanks in advance Vincèn
Did you read completely my message ? I indicated I downloaded it and installed it but it didn't change anything as still parallels-config says me kernel sources are missing Vince
kernel sources I have found that there are 2 links that need to be present for the running kernel, and cannot be present for non-running kernels. Apparently parallels-config follows the first link it finds and errors if the version is not the same as the kernel version the system is running on. They are called "build" and "source" and are found in /lib/modules/<kernel version number>. Make sure that for the running kernel version (found with "uname -a") you have those links, or else make them, and for kernel versions that you are not running, do "mv ./build ./build.BAK" and "mv ./source ./source.BAK and then run parallels-config again. If you have to make the links, do it with: ln -s /usr/src/kernels/<kernel version number> build and ln -s ./build source this should work.