run drivers_start at boot on ubuntu

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration in Windows and Linux' started by misterjangles, Jun 28, 2007.

  1. misterjangles

    misterjangles Member

    (reposted here because this got moved to the read-only archive. come on linux gurus - one of you knows how to do this!)

    does anybody know how to make /usr/lib/parallels/autostart/drivers_start run at boot for ubuntu 7.0.4? it needs to run as root permission to load the drivers.

    i placed a link to this file in /etc/init.d but it doens't run

    there also seems to be a script /usr/lib/parallels/autostart/parallels that has the argument "start" or "stop" which basically just calls drivers_start or drivers_stop. not sure what the best approach is here.

  2. I linked /usr/lib/parallels/autostart/parallels into /etc/init.d

    Then "parallels" appeared in the Boot-Up Manager where I enabled it.
  3. misterjangles

    misterjangles Member

    thanks ulrichsk! that worked for me. just in case anybody here isn't savvy i did this by:

    (from terminal)
    cd /etc/init.d
    sudo ln -s /usr/lib/parallels/autostart/drivers_start

    then open from the menu System->Administration->Boot Up Manager
    "drivers_start" appears in the list and you just check the box next to it.

    if you don't have boot-up manager in your menu, you can install it using these instructions:
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2007

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