Was bought in March of this year, parallels 9 and was installed on a macbook pro. six months later I changed to a mac pro, and now can not find in the mail a license key for parrallels 9. Help to restore a purchase please. Or buying tied to the system on which you installed initially? (sorry for bad English)
I have a similar problem. Purchased Parallels 8 in November 2012, upgraded to Parallels 9 this past December (Order No. 100249588520). Last week I sold my old Mac Mini after wiping it, bought a new server model, and now when I'm trying to restore my Parallels Desktop I'm getting the "Your product activation key reached its activation limit and cannot be used to activate Parallels Desktop." Except, of course, that message is in error since I currently have Parallels activated on ZERO computers, 1 less than my license. Please advise on how to resolve.