Replace MacFUSE for OSXFUSE in Paralllels Desktop

Discussion in 'Feature Suggestions' started by Specimen, Dec 18, 2011.

  1. Specimen

    Specimen Product Expert

    MacFUSE is a dead project. It's opensource successors are FUSE4X and OSXFUSE, they both offer better Lion compatibility and 64bit.
    Tuxera's MacFUSE is more updated than MacFUSE itself but the developer has released a last version and turning his attention to OSXFUSE/FUSE4X ( ).

    OSXFUSE has the added benefit of having a compatibility layer for MacFUSE, also, Erik Larsson from Tuxera is part of the project.

    Parallels, it's time to replace MacFUSE.

    OSXFUSE Project:
    FUSE4X project:
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2011
  2. Specimen

    Specimen Product Expert

    Another important issue is that MacFUSE's built-in uninstaller fails silently and doesn't actually uninstall MacFUSE, this happens on 10.6.8 and also probably in Lion, Parallels should take care of this!
  3. Specimen

    Specimen Product Expert

    Just discovered that Parallels 7 actually doesn't use MacFUSE, it uses a modified version called prlufs.fs. Unfortunately, the upgrade process doesn't remove MacFUSE and neither MacFUSE own installer (fails silently, doesn't actually delete the files).

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