Redhat Host NIS/NFS parallels

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration in Windows and Linux' started by jabberwocky, Oct 10, 2008.

  1. jabberwocky

    jabberwocky Bit poster

    I have parallels running on Redhat host. Installed okay as root and parallels license activated successfull. Guest OS is WinXP.

    However, when login into Redhat as NIS user account with NFS home directory, the parallels license will not activate due to bad permissions.

    When I open up the NFS home directory it works. However, we cannot have the NFS home directory wide open. Anyone know a work around?

  2. jabberwocky

    jabberwocky Bit poster

    I was using build 2222. Someone suggested using 2232 and I did, now my problem is fixed.

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