I really would like you to redesign SmartSelect and work it over.
There are three problematic characteristics:
1) A lot of nonsense stuff can get listed in the menu under SmartSelect/Edit, if you have an "older machine". In my case I transformed a year old XP installation into a virtual machine. There, for example, programs like "Java TM Platform SE Binary" are listed and some other programs are listed several times! Allover there are maybe 50 listed in my VM and it should be maybe only 25 (when the nonsense stuff and doubles are excluded)
2) I do not like that the edit of program can ONLY be entered by a pull-down menu.
3) The size of edit window can not be changed - instead you are forced to scroll.
Instead make it like this:
1) Get in a top-level window or additional column where you can select and de-select all programs that should be under SmartSelect
2) The same top-level window/column would be used to enter the edit window/section for a particular application.
3) By all means make this window re-sizable! I will never understand why some windows are not re-sizable by default. Something like this should by the choice of the user only - not the designer of the program.
Thank you
Last edited: Feb 27, 2008