Red Hat Enterprise 5 Server Kernel Panic

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by djbrugh, Mar 16, 2007.

  1. djbrugh

    djbrugh Bit poster

    Has anybody tried to install Red Hat Enterprise 5 Server in a virtual machine? I have completed the installation without a problem, but when I try to boot I get a kernel panic. Initially I thought the problem had to do with ACPI, so I passed the acpi=off parameter to the kernel. This managed to make the boot processs move further, but the end result was another kernel panic.

    I am using build 3188.
  2. don_furd

    don_furd Bit poster

    I see the same thing

    It does a kernel panic before I can even see what driver is causing it to panic. Running the same build.

  3. azlobo73

    azlobo73 Bit poster

    Any word on this issue?

    Now that CentOS has released their downstream of RHEL5, there may be a new round of confused Parallels users (myself included in that group.

  4. cmderive

    cmderive Bit poster

    If I pass "pci=off" as a kernel argument to RHEL 5 Workstation, it lets me log in, but then I can't figure out how to probe the network adapter to get online, for one thing. Without it, I see the exact same call trace and kernel panic that azlobo73 posted.
  5. cwicklein

    cwicklein Bit poster

    1. The problem is related to AGP support. Boot with the additional kernel argument "agp=off" and you're in business.

    2. The following resulted in immediate termination of Parallels and a problem report being sent to Apple:

    After installing CentOS 5.0 (RHEL 5.0 rebranded) and booting for the first time, there is a series of final configuration menus. One menu allows for verifying that sound support works by clicking a button and playing a sound file. I tried clicking this button and *while the sound was still playing* clicked the "next/continue/whatever" button at the bottom of the dialog. After advancing to the next dialog, a confirmation box appeard to verify that I had heard the test sound. I confirmed that I had, and Parallels crashed. I booted again and repeated the first-boot configuration process. I repeated the previous steps but waited for the previously mentioned confirmation box to appear and be dismissed before moving to the next dialog. This worked fine.

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