RC2 Virtue Desktop not working. Please Help.

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by 1sttimeout, Jun 6, 2006.

  1. 1sttimeout

    1sttimeout Bit poster

    RC2 + Virtue Desktop not working. Please Help.

    Hi people!

    Noob here. I've just been reading how older versions of Parallels had issues with Virtue Desktop and full screen mode. Now, I've just downloaded RC2, and loaded Virtue Desktops. I loaded Windows XP full screen on the "2nd desktop" and used the release keys to perform the switch.

    However, the release keys (default of Ctrl-Alt) resized my desktop back to windowed mode, even though I have selected another combination of keys for toggling between fullscreen/windowed. I have been into the prefs to make sure 'Exit full screen mode when focus is lost' is turned off, and still this happens!!

    Have I done something wrong? Everyone seems to be able to do it except me!?

    I have Parallels Desktop RC2 1842.7 with VirtueDesktops 0.52

    Please help!

    Thanks in advance.
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2006
  2. VTMac

    VTMac Pro

    Have you installed Parallels Tools? I have disabled the Accesibility feature in the Parallels settings. You must do both before this will work.
  3. 1sttimeout

    1sttimeout Bit poster

    Yeah I've installed the tools, but I don't get what you mean by the Accessibility thing.
    Is that in Windows or OS X?

  4. Jerry

    Jerry Member

    To get VirtueDesktops to work:

    1. Install Parallels Tools
    2. Parallels: Preferences: User Interface: Advanced:
    'Exit fullscreen...' NOT checked
    'Always stay on top...' NOT checked
    3. System Preferences: Universal Access:
    'Enable access for assistive devices' NOT checked
    4. Done!

    ps. point 3 is still a problem, as there are some of us that need that enabled - it used to work in previous releases...
  5. 1sttimeout

    1sttimeout Bit poster

    Yep, thats done it!

    Thanks a million!
  6. indabox

    indabox Junior Member

    Documentation on using Virtue

    A noob question for sure :eek: but I am confused on how to use Virtue (especially with Parallels) Any good write up I can read. For example keys combinations and so on.
    When I had Virtue installed I had a small icon in the menu bar, but it looked like I could not interact with it.


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