Hello, let's collect some data on VM performance if you are using Windows 11 on M1, a) how much RAM did you assign to the VM / how much RAM does windows use (after boot up) in task manager of windows (task manager -> performance tab -> left area: RAM used / RAM available)? your answer could be e.g. "3,1 / 5" b) how much RAM is used by the VM in MacOS activity pane app, click in menu at top right "memory", then look for "Windows" in the list, then the values for memory and for "VM-compressed". what is the typical CPU load that you see when observing "Windows" in MscOS activity app? c) how much RAM is installed on your system? d) what version of MacOS and Parallels are you using, and are you on a beta/dev channel of Windows. It suffices if you write e.g. "Windows 11, not dev channel, and Big Sur latest update, all as of posting date", to spare you looking for exact versions. e) Are you using a MacBook Air or Pro? Please do not participate if you have an Intel-Mac, or don't know! Thanks! (I will post my data later as I am having some issues with RAM at the moment) thanks to all participants!