Prompt before booting up windows

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac Feature Suggestions' started by MatthiasE5, May 12, 2021.

  1. MatthiasE5

    MatthiasE5 Hunter

    Hello, I use "share windows applications with mac", but I also sometimes don't want that windows is running. It's about 50% / 50% in time that windows is running.
    As a result of me using "share windows application", windows program icons show on the dock, which is handy.
    However quite often it so happens that I click a windows application and realize that windows is not running, and also realize I would not really boot up windows just now. But then I have to wait for windows to boot up etc. pp which is very annoying. It really happens more often than you would think, and I'm not particularly inattentive.

    I would like to suggest a feature that will ask if windows should be launched when clicking on any icon on the dock. That includes all windows-associated programs, and it could also include the windows startup icon itself. Confirmation that launch of windows is wanted could simply be done with a space bar press, so it will not interfere with workflow. I think something as major as booting up an OS should have the option for a confirmation dialogue.

    Thank you!
    MatthewR20 and NickB18 like this.

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