Problems using my external hard drive on Windows

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by Suzanne, Apr 9, 2007.

  1. Suzanne

    Suzanne Bit poster

    I have just begun using Parallels after years of using PC’s. All of my previous work is srored on my external hardrive but Parallels does not seem to reognise it when I connect it up. It also stops the USB from connecting to the OSX, so I have to close Parallels to let it run. Can you help me?- I hope I am explaining this properly?
    Also I have tried to change the configuration but everytime I try to, the program closes?
  2. Hugh Watkins

    Hugh Watkins Forum Maven

    I have two windows formatted USB drives (one with three partitions) attached from my old Win 200 >> Win XP machine
    let them stay mounted on the Macintosh desk top

    and treat them as networked drives
    Mac OS Menu bar >> Parallels Desktop >> Devices >> Shared Folders >> Add

    I have 4 shared drives
    my Macintosh HD
    and two connect though a Maplin powered USB 2 hub
    and the fourth is the newest and is firewire

    I also added the desktop itself
    so I have nine shared items

    the Mac OS sees volumes independantly

    NTFS seems to be read only

    Hugh W
  3. Suzanne

    Suzanne Bit poster

    Shared files


    Thanks for your advice but how do I actually access my shared folders in the virtual windows?


  4. Mike@Parallels

    Mike@Parallels Hunter


    To set up shared folders (Windows 2000/XP/2003 guests):
    1. Create some folder in Mac OS X
    2. Run Parallels, open your VM and open Configuration Editor
    3. Open Shared Folders in Configuration Editor and add the folder you've created in step 1. Setup desired access mode for the folder from guest (read-write or read-only).
    4. Power on the VM, wait till it is booted and log in to it
    5. Install Parallels Tools inside VM (menu "VM"->"Install Parallels Tools" and follow wizard's instructions)
    6. An icon "Parallels Shared Folders" should appear on your guest desktop where you can find folder, you've created in step 1.

    So, the shared folder is accessible via path to the folder of step 1 from Mac OS X, and using an shortcut from Desktop. PSF are also accessible in guest from "My network places"->"Entire network"->"Parallels Shared Folders".

    Best regards,

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