problem with video

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by -, Sep 15, 2013.

  1. Banned

    Hi! (at first i wanna say "sorry" if u will see some mistake, i'm not native English speaker D:
    I have problem with running Win-game through Parallel Desktop. I use trial version of PD 9 for my mac.
    So, i install Windows 7 Sp1 X86, then install Steam and try to install Dead Island.
    After it was installed, i tired to run it, but have (well, it's not rare problem) Fatal Error: Can not initialize renderer.
    I updated DirectX, update drivers for my video card, also high Windows video memory to 512 Mb, but still have this error.

    Can anybody suggest smth? D:

    (sorry one another time for my creepy English)

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