Problem with parallels?

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration in Windows and Linux' started by Doctor Pangloss, Oct 7, 2007.

  1. Doctor Pangloss

    Doctor Pangloss Bit poster

    I just got a macbook and bought parallels and a copy of windowsXP primarily to be able to run my Garmin GPS mapping software.
    Everything works fine until I try to plug in my GPS.
    Parallels acknowledges the Garmin GPS. But soon after that acknowledgment I get this:
    No other app is open when I plug in the GPS. I've tried with the mapsource program both open and closed. I can't get the GPS to come up on the virtual machine!
  2. fbronner

    fbronner Pro

    Which Garmin device? For mine, I had to download a new version of driver for windows XP which resolved the issue.
  3. Doctor Pangloss

    Doctor Pangloss Bit poster

    I've got a 276C.
    I'll search the driver issue thanks.
  4. fbronner

    fbronner Pro

    Don't forget to download the Mac version of Garmin web updater. This will insure your 276C is running the latest firmware.

    I know I had to do a firmware update on mine (Quest) before I could get it to connect reliably to mac and windows. But in my case, I am lucky enough I have some old XP laptop hanging around for such necessary pains.

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