Problem setting up Parallels Desktop 13/14 for Mac trial

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by parallelso, Oct 9, 2018.

  1. parallelso

    parallelso Junior Member

    I am having problem setting up Parallels Desktop 13/14 for Mac trial. I previously had Parallels 8 and now upgrading.

    My computer only connects to the internet using Virtual Machines for security reasons. With Parallels 8 i can authorize using an Activation ID and Confirmation Code, where i do not need to connect to the internet directly. How can i do the same for Parallels 13/14? Right now i only need the trial version to verfiy that my Parallels 8 virtual machines will run OK on High Sierra, and that snapshot functionality works OK. I have a Parallels account. I can use terminal if necessary. Thank you.
  2. Arun@Parallels

    Arun@Parallels Parallels Support

    Hi @parallelso , please check this article to activate Parallels Desktop 14 for mac trial and check if that helps.
  3. parallelso

    parallelso Junior Member

    I am unable to install Parallels further because my computer does not connect to the internet. The network card has been removed for security reasons. Most of the OSX network services have been removed/disabled. All network access is done through virtual machines using network hardware connected to the virtual machine.

    I can set up a temporary computer to evaluate Parallels 13/14 trial, but how will i install Parallels 13/14 if i buy it? As mentioned above, with Parallels 8 i could install the software without direct connection to a network. Is this not possible anymore? After install, can Parallels 13/14 function without direct access to the internet. or does it require continual internet acess in order to function?
  4. Please be informed that you need an active internet connection on the Mac to install and activate Parallels Desktop for the first time. Unfortunately, it is not possible to activate the product without the internet connection.

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