Problem running Windows XP on MacBook, using Parallels

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by eve8876, Jun 8, 2007.

  1. eve8876

    eve8876 Bit poster

    I am not very good at english anymore so I try to explain my problem as good as I can....

    I installed Parallels on my new MacBook and then installed Windows XP. When I stardet the Virtual Machine there was a separated black window asking me to reboot my computer with strg,alt and del. But I don't have a del button on my keyboard. I am not very good at using computers so I wanted something easy for me. So I bought the Mac but I really really need a program that just works on Windows.

    I tried to uninstall Windows and tried to reinstall it as an Iso Image instead of using the windows xp cd as it is recommended in the little book you get with parallels. Jet the VM doesn't work.
    Do I need to uninstall Parallels again now? I saw the other posts about uninstalling Parallels but didn't understand a lot...

    Please help me! Please use easy english if it is possible! (you can also speak German if anyone can).. Thanks Eve

    [email protected] Bit poster

    Ctr Alt Delete

    Try with Parallels menu : Actions, send keys, choose the Ctr-Alt-Delete combination.
    Hope that it will resolve your problem


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