Problem installing Parallels Tools for new Mac OS X guest

Discussion in 'macOS Virtual Machine' started by ChrisPW, Mar 16, 2014.

  1. ChrisPW

    ChrisPW Bit poster

    Status Bar at bottom of screen shows a RED circle over the ParallelsTools status icon.

    I click "Install Parallels Tools"

    I'm prompted with:
    "Click Continue to connect the Parallels Tools installation CD to this virtual machine."

    I click CONTINUE.

    I wait. And wait. And wait.

    So then I click "Install Parallels Tools" again.

    I get the SAME prompt as above, and click CONTINUE...but the next screen is:

    The CD/DVD disc is mounted inside the guest operating system.
    If you disconnect this disc now, the guest operating system will not recognize its absence, which may lead to system errors. It is recommended to eject this disc by means of the guest operating system.

    So I do nothing since I don't want to screw-up my machine (I click "Cancel" instead of "Disconnect Anyway").

    THEN I click: Parallels Desktop < Devices < CD/DVD 1

    And the machine reports it is connected to: prl-tools-mac.iso

    So...what to do now?

    Host is new Mac Pro, running OS X 10.9.2
    Guest is new Parallels OS X
  2. Specimen

    Specimen Product Expert

    You open the CD in Finder and double-click on the app there.
  3. ChrisPW

    ChrisPW Bit poster

    I don't have a CD. Do I need a CD? If so, how do I obtain one? Can't "Parallels Tools" just download from the Internet?
  4. Looran@Parallels

    Looran@Parallels Parallels Support

    Hi ChrisPW,

    You would not need a CD to install Parallels Tools.

    Please Go to Finder on your Mac OS X Virtual Machine > Navigate to the CD Drive and double click on the app to install Parallels Tools.

  5. ChrisPW

    ChrisPW Bit poster

    Awesome! That worked great! Thanks so much for the help...Chris.

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