Problem installing Fedora 7 test 1

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by epkphoto, Feb 10, 2007.

  1. epkphoto

    epkphoto Junior Member

    Linux distros do not recognize CD drive or images

    I would like to know if anyone is having the same issue I am and if anyone knows what the source of the following problem is...(I'm using the 3150 RC2 beta of Parallels Desktop for Mac)

    Here is a description:

    I am trying to install Fedora 7 Test 1 in a new Parallels VM from the install DVD ISO. I have Parallels set up as OS Type - Linux and OS Version - Fedora Core Linux. I boot the VM from the ISO of the install DVD for the i386 version of Fedora 7.

    After starting the VM, the "Welcome to Fedora!" screen appears and I select the top option: "Install or upgrade an existing system". The Linux installer begins to boot and some text starts to scroll. Then a gray selection box on a blue background is displayed to Choose a Language...normally this would instead show an option to test the install media (as verified when performing the F7test1 install in VMware Fusion). The language and keyboard selection is followed by an area to select the installation method as if the install DVD was not detected (which is obviously not true since I'm booting from it!).

    If I select "Local CDROM" as the installation method, the interface wants me to select a CDROM driver from a long list. This seems to mean that the Parallels optical drive driver is not supported by the Fedora installer for some reason. For reference, this driver selection process never appears in earlier versions of Fedora Core Linux in Parallels. Also, it never appears for this same boot DVD ISO in the VMware Fusion beta. I want to blame this on Fedora since earlier versions worked in Parallels, just not F7test1. Unfortunately, I have to blame Parallels to some degree since VMware seems to handle booting the installer just fine.

    Any ideas?
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2007
  2. epkphoto

    epkphoto Junior Member

    Well, it looks like this problem is spreading. I am beginning to think the problem is related to the linux kernel, because a similar issue occurs with the latest Ubuntu Feisty Beta release.

    So, currently, normal users who would want to try out linux with Parallels would have issues with the Fedora 7 test 2 release and Ubuntu Feisty Beta. Now, I know the two linux distro versions I mentioned are technically beta releases, but I have no reason to believe that this issue will be solved in the final releases. Both of those products are nearing the end of their testing and development cycles for release in April and May, so I don't think much will change.

    Also, the fact that first Fedora had the issue and now the most recent Ubuntu release has the issue, makes me think the problem is kernel related since that is the only shared component I can think of that would show problems in the install phase.

    Note also that while using Ubuntu Feisty Herd 5, a test release that did recognize the CD drive and installed fine, no longer recognizes CD's...most likely because of an updated kernel. My Herd 5 install no longer recognizes hardware CD's or CD images mounted by Parallels.

    I think this is an issue that will cause some sort of rumbling once the final releases of these two linux distributions are finished. Therefore, I am going to start bringing this up to Parallels and potentially some Linux developers to see if anything can be done.
  3. epkphoto

    epkphoto Junior Member

    Since the title of this thread implies just a fedora 7 issue, I am going to start a new thread since I have some more info that pretty much determines this to be a linux kernel issue (or perhaps something of Parallels that newer kernel versions dislike).
  4. sidlinger

    sidlinger Bit poster


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