Pro and Con Bootcamp & Parellels

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by websyndicate, Apr 1, 2007.

  1. websyndicate

    websyndicate Hunter

    I been using parallels since build 1848 and yea its come a long way since then. I originally got parallels because I needed it for school. I still use it a lot I use SQL and VB 2005. Its a great tool but since 3188 and all the recent add ons it been slow. I really like it for linux because wow it's snappy but windows seems like it use to be.

    I like the fact that I can replace my image in about 5-10 minutes of usb transfer data and start fresh if I get virus or my build eat s**t.
    Its recently become really slow since all the updates and features.
    Now other hand I can run bootcamp and start fresh but if my build messes up I'm out of luck. but yes boot camp is much faster. Now that im getting into more advanced programming I wonder if I really need to use boot camp.
    I will say the luxury of just installing windows and linux and booting it up within OSX rocks. I will just have to wait and see what happens and see how the latest builds are.

    PS honestly why do so many people want 3d rendering you should really be moving to bootcamp at that point but hey thats my opinion.

    I guess I can always but a cheap dell or gateway for school :cool: maybe
  2. Hugh Watkins

    Hugh Watkins Forum Maven

    Windows Live Safety Scanner

    it found over 250 registry errors

    "A full-service scan:

    Checks for and removes viruses, spyware, and other potentially unwanted software.
    Helps improve your computer's performance.
    Gets rid of unwanted files on your hard disk."

    a windows VM still needs good house keeping

    Hugh W
  3. websyndicate

    websyndicate Hunter

    I did removed alot of they ieye candy features and the system restore. black viper had some really good tip and trick I posted about a month ago but nobody really took me serious. I guess I could always use boot camp and use the parallels to access it but seems alot of people have problems with it.
  4. dkp

    dkp Forum Maven

    I use Solaris and Linux quite a bit for software builds - so much so that I no longer use Parallels to load them. The Fusion support for non-Windows is more complete and is a better fit for my needs. I don't have nor have any interest in boot camp so my hope is that Parallels will do more to integrate Unix with a proper tool set. I'd like to avoid purchasing another hypervisor, and Parallels is soo close.

    The only reason I run Windows is for the IE support for MS webmail, but that has quit working - sending a message will crash IE. The result is I haven't used Parallels since mid-February.

    I would classify myself as a Mac user who has an occasional need for non-Mac software. I have a number of Sun Sparc and Intel servers I can also use but none of them fit on my kitchen table :) Parallels is a tool, a pretty good tool, but just a tool. Right now it's not the best tool for the job I need to do. I'm looking forward to when they catch up.

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