prl_dhcp Can not bind to en2

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by Laurent, Jun 1, 2006.

  1. Laurent

    Laurent Bit poster

    Ok, ever since I brought RC2 at work and used wired network, I lost the ability to use automatic / dhcp configuration of the parallels guest interface (it shows up "red" in mac os network) I have to manually set an ip address on both side as the only painful workaround

    I have the following in my console syslog which I guess is a clue:

    Jun 1 20:14:37 Laurent-Macbook kernel[0]: com_parallels_kext_Pvsvnic: Ethernet address 00:01:23:45:67:89
    Jun 1 20:14:37 Laurent-Macbook prl_dhcp[1082]: Can not bind to en2.
    Jun 1 20:14:41 Laurent-Macbook mDNSResponder: Repeated transitions for interface en2 (FE80:0000:0000:0000:0201:23FF:FE45:6789); delaying packets by 5 seconds

    I tried uninstalling and resinstalling, clearing some .plist preferences,... to no avail

    How do I get dhcp back working ?


    ps: other than that I love the product, paid for it a while ago already
    (I also submitted a support request about this but got no reply yet)
  2. Laurent

    Laurent Bit poster

    I'm trying various settings for the parallels interface (bootp instead of dhcp) and now I get the dhcp to crash !:

    PID: 127
    Thread: 0

    Exception: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (0x0001)
    Codes: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE (0x0002) at 0x00000000

    Thread 0 Crashed:
    0 prl_dhcpd 0x00007931 CDHCPProtocol::Receive(_PACKET_DATA*) + 197 (DHCPProt
    1 prl_dhcpd 0x00004f97 CEthProtocol::ReceiveRaw(void*, unsigned) + 119 (EthP
    2 prl_dhcpd 0x00003c7b CPhysProto::ReceiveIt(CEthProtocol*) + 255 (PhysProto
    3 prl_dhcpd 0x000045b5 daemon_init(char*, unsigned, unsigned, unsigned, unsi
    gned) + 759 (prl_dhcpd.cpp:407)
    4 prl_dhcpd 0x00004cc4 main + 904 (prl_dhcpd.cpp:637)

    Help or howto reset the networking/dhcp to 'clean' state would be greatly appreciated
  3. Laurent

    Laurent Bit poster

    another clue maybe, I do not have the bootp option set for en2 (parallels guest interface) but I have DHCP, nevertheless upon reboot I see:

    Jun 1 21:00:54 Laurents-Macbook bootpd[131]: interface en2: ip mask

    in my log - any idea why ? maybe that's why DCHP doesn't work ?

    h e l p !
  4. Laurent

    Laurent Bit poster

    wpa enterprise!

    Ok, on my home network, I managed to get the networking and dhcp to work/not crash,
    so looks like the problem is linked to WPA Enterprise setup that we have at work

    parallels team: maybe that will help you reproduce this/fix this problem, let me know if you need more information

    last semi related strangeness: even though dhcp now configures the en2 interface ok to somehow it seems that internet sharing (NAT like workaround) causes bootp to be running on that interface and somehow pick as the mac ip and as the vm's ip... Why do we need prl_dhcp at all then (anyway to turn it off?) ?
  5. serv

    serv Forum Maven


    Just a quick check: did you reboot your Mac after installing Parallels? If not, try it.

    First of all en2 should be configured to use DHCP. What happens if you do 'sudo /Library/StartupItems/Parallels/prl_dhcpd' from a terminal and then 'tail /var/log/system.log'? Does prl_dhcpd bark at en2 this time?

    Re your last question: when you turn on IS on the Mac prl_dhcpd keeps silence and allows bootpd to do the job.
  6. Laurent

    Laurent Bit poster

    Yes I rebooted many times to no avail; it only fixed itself after I left my work were the connection is WPA enterprise wifi and got home where I have simple WEP

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