Prevent Sleep or Screen Saver When Using Windows inside PD

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac Feature Suggestions' started by AstrianZ, Aug 13, 2022.

  1. AstrianZ

    AstrianZ Bit poster

    I am using Parallels Desktop to play FFXIV. When I plug in my controller via USB and connect it to VM, the macOS cannot detect my actions through the controller and will pop the screen saver up.

    Is it possible that add a feature that prevents macOS get into sleep or popping the screen saver up?
  2. alev

    alev Parallels Team

    Hi AstrianZ,
    In Parallels Desktop 18, the controller is shared between macOS and Windows and thus a) you don't need to bother connecting it to Windows and b) your Mac should not sleep in this scenario.
  3. RemiC2

    RemiC2 Bit poster

    I am still prompted to choose where my XBox controller should be recognized when connecting it to my Windows 11 Parallels VM. And I am experiencing the same issue as OP. Is there a way to prevent my Mac's display from going to sleep while playing games?
  4. alev

    alev Parallels Team

    Hi RemiC2,

    Are you on Parallels Desktop version 18?
    Does your Mac go to sleep if you connect the controller to the Mac, NOT to Windows?

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