Please help a complete newbie

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by barrymoore, Apr 14, 2007.

  1. barrymoore

    barrymoore Bit poster

    After downloading the Parallels Desktop for Mac 3188 bundle, Does it need to be installed on a separate drive from the Mac Pro OSX and does it need BootCamp? I thought this app works similar to Vitual PC where both can co-exist on the same drive or maybe I'm just not getting it. It seems when clicking on the app, Vista seems to load and says it's "Running" but the information I'm recieving is this when in "OS Window" mode:

    640 KB Base Memory
    524288 KB extended memory
    Boot from hard drive: FAILED
    Boot from CD/DVD-Rom: FAILED
    Boot from floppy drive...
    Noon-system disk or disk errot
    Replace and press any ky when ready...

    When I do press any key, nothing happens...

    I did use Parallels Image Tool to create a newdata storage devices, etc..

    Thank you for your time.

    Barry Moore
  2. Purplish

    Purplish Forum Maven

    You can install Parallels on your MAC hard drive.

    Have you installed an operating system? Once you install Parallels, you must install an operating system such as XP, Vista, etc. (purchased separately).
  3. barrymoore

    barrymoore Bit poster

    Ah! That's where I went wrong. No I haven't yet purchased a operating system, Duh!! Okay once I do that, do I need a separate drive for it?

    Thanks again,

    Barry Moore
  4. barrymoore

    barrymoore Bit poster

    Hey Purplish or anyone else,

    I use to own Virtual PC but since going Mac Intel, it's actually virtually useless. Although can I use the VPC Windows XP Pro rather than having to go purchase either XP or Vista?


  5. Rachel Faith

    Rachel Faith Hunter

    I am not sure actually. But it would be best to get a full legal NEW copy of XP Pro on CD. On Ebay they are very reasonable. That is where I got a couple of mine. Check the seller carefully.

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