I just had to try this... I made four comparisons I'd like to share. Config 1: Photoshop CS2 (Mac) on iMac G5 - 2.0 MHz, 2.5 GB Config 2: Photoshop CS2 (Mac) on MacBook Pro 2.0, 2 GB (Rosetta) Config 3: Photoshop CS2 (Win) on same MBP under XP with Boot Camp Config 4: Photoshop CS2 (Win) on same MBP with XP on PWS B5 (924MB RAM) I ran the same set of Photoshop actions that take a folder of 20 JPEG images and places a proof stamp on each and then saves each one as a PSD file. This is not a standard benchmark, but it gives me at least an idea of how things stack up. Results: Config 1: 37 sec Config 2: 137 sec mad: ugh!!, can't wait for CS3 Universal binary!) Config 3: 18 sec Config 4: 20 sec ) fantastic!!!!) Comments?