PD 10 - @ and Backslash no longer work

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by dgerber, Aug 22, 2014.

  1. dgerber

    dgerber Bit poster

    I just upgraded to PD 10

    I use a logitech Windows Keyboard (Swiss layout) on my Mac mini.

    BEFORE installing Parallels Tools I was able to type the @ by pressing AltGR and 2 which is normal
    AFTER installing Parallels Tools I have to press AltGR and G to type the @-sign (which is the Mac-Layout).

    What ist more: I can no longer type a backslash but only the ≤-sign when I press AltGR and <>-button.

    How can I rearrange everything to the "old" PD9 layout?
    AskoK likes this.
  2. tinue-

    tinue- Bit poster

    Shift-Alt-7 is the backslash on the Mac layout. Only the right alt works within Parallels. I also find it strange that the Mac layout applies in Windows, but I guess that's necessary for full transparency. I could be made configurable, though.
    Oh, and if it is supposed to be fully transparent, then the left alt key should also work for entering e.g. the backslash, or any other key requiring alt.

    On my machine there is also a bug: The keys < and § are swapped. This could be because I use a Logitech K750, and not a keyboard from Apple.
    AskoK likes this.
  3. AskoK

    AskoK Bit poster

    I found mine under rightalt-? (Finnish Mac keyboard layout). Okay but would prefer to use the Shift-(left)Alt-7 as @tinue- above.

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