Paste doesn't work for guest Snow Leopard Server, Parallels 11

Discussion in 'macOS Virtual Machine' started by AllenB4, Oct 30, 2016.

  1. AllenB4

    AllenB4 Bit poster

    Like many others, I've installed Snow Leopard Servers as a guest so I can continue to run Rosetta Apps that haven't been updated.
    I'm running in coherence mode enabled.

    It sort of works, but cut and paste in the host-> guest direction is flaky. The guest->host direction appears to work. In the other direction:
    - sometimes it doesn't nothing at all
    - sometimes command-v is treated like the letter v,
    - sometimes it flashes the edit menu, but nothing gets pasted,
    - sometimes it sends the paste to the host app that I just cut from, even though I've clicked on the guest app window
    - sometimes it pastes.
    Using the guests menu edit->paste doesn't seem to matter
    Editing the keyboard configuration to pass cmd-V to the guest OS doesn't matter
    Trying to paste more than a line of text (or a long line of text) doesn't seem to work at all.

    In addition, trying to get a guest app window to be in frontmost is weird; clicking on a guest window doesn't bring it to the front, even when I can type into it. (It will put it on top of other guest windows, though.)
    Minimizing it and then bringing it back will put it on top of host windows.
    Background events (e.g. incoming mail in the guest) will suddenly bring guest windows to the front

    ( if I click on the "Snow Leopard OS X" app host dock, then select Window->OS X , then it puts all the windows on top- but they all go to the back as soon as click on a host app window)

    So, is this a bug, or is their some configuration setting that I'm missing? OR is there just some magic way I'm supposed to be using this?
  2. AllenB4

    AllenB4 Bit poster

    More stuff that isn't working: putting the Snow Leopard Dock on the left side of the screen isn't fully functional. Clicking on some icons start the apps, but others don't. Putting the dock on the bottom makes it work fine.
    Windows are not refreshing properly. If I type and the line wraps, the following line gets duplicated all the way to the bottom of the window. If I move a window, the menu bar gets repeated smeared all the way down (depending on how fast I move it). selecting what is on the screen or paging up and down causes a refresh - usually. And, I can't seem to be able to map some command characters to go to the app rather than the OS, even when I've disabled it in the keyboard mapping dialog (though I may have done that incorrectly - I've both uncheck and deleted cmd-M and it keeps going to the guest OS instead of the guest app.
  3. AllenB4

    AllenB4 Bit poster

    I drilled down a little more. It appears that paste of non-standard characters is app specific. I can paste into terminal, but not Eudora. I can also paste into terminal, then cut and paste that into Eudora, and it works - but only once. When I paste it blinks both the OS menu and the guest app menu. Pasting a second time blinks only the OS menu and pastes "v"s. If I move the cursor, it will paste correctly, but go to the pasting "v" behavior after that. I also mapped cmd-m as a Eudora shortcut in the the OS X ->devices->keyboard->customize-> OS X System Shortcuts->Open Keyboard Preferences->shortcuts->App Shortcuts dialog (think that's hidden deeply enough?). It worked once, but then stopped working - it blinks the OS menu item, but isn't passed to the app. When I open the dialog box, parallels has it listed as the Thunderbird app, for what its worth.

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