Parallels Workstation won't start.. hangs

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration in Windows and Linux' started by samd@, Jul 27, 2012.

  1. samd@

    samd@ Junior Member

    I installed the latest update last week (wed 10 days ago), and all was fine..

    today I need to do something again, but the base parallels UI won't start.. sits at the rotating icon,


  2. samd@

    samd@ Junior Member

    failed 5 times, had to reboot host... now working fine.. no clue
  3. Robertjm

    Robertjm Member

    I can see Parallels is doing their best to answer people's questions!! ;-(

    Was this a Windows installation, or linux? I've had this exact same problem on my Ubuntu 12.04 installation. Basically, ever time there's a kernel update it screws up the Parallels installation, and it hangs. However, if I remember which kernel version I used, and choose that as the one I boot into, Parallels works just fine!

    I sure wish Parallels would come up with an updater of some sort that checks for kernel updates, and then fixes the system when loading.

    Hope that helped with your problem.


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