parallels won't start - Segmentation Fault

Discussion in 'Parallels Workstation for Windows and Linux' started by dumbkiwi, Nov 7, 2006.

  1. dumbkiwi

    dumbkiwi Bit poster

    I've installed Parallels on my Ubuntu 6.10 laptop. I've run parallels-config, which runs correctly (using the #!/bin/bash change suggested in other threads).

    However, when I run parallels, I get this:

    matt@matt-laptop:~$ parallels
    X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 168
      Major opcode:  145
      Minor opcode:  3
      Resource id:  0x0
    Failed to open device
    X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 168
      Major opcode:  145
      Minor opcode:  3
      Resource id:  0x0
    Failed to open device
    Parallels Workstation 2.2  critical error! Send log file ( /usr/lib/parallels/bugreports/parallels-fault-224836.071006.10001.log ) to [email protected]
    /usr/bin/parallels: line 12: 10001 Segmentation fault      /usr/lib/parallels/parallels-linux
    the log file says:

    Parallels Workstation 2.2  for Linux version 2.2 Build 2092.0 from 2006-10-10
    Received SIGSEGV: Segmentation fault
            Access to fault address: (nil)
            unknown signal sender: 1
            Reason - address not mapped
     #0 [0xffffe440]
     #1 /usr/lib/parallels/parallels-linux(_ZNSt6localeaSERKS_+0x26) [0x830af06]
     #2 /usr/lib/parallels/parallels-linux(_ZNSt8ios_base7_M_initEv+0x4b) [0x83090bb]
     #3 /usr/lib/parallels/parallels-linux(_ZNSt9basic_iosIcSt11char_traitsIcEE4initEPSt15basic_streambufIcS1_E+0x1d) [0x833725d]
     #4 /usr/lib/ [0xb6defe42]
     #5 /usr/lib/ [0xb6e45cf6]
     #6 /usr/lib/ [0xb6ddfc41]
     #7 /lib/ [0xb7f63e63]
     #8 /lib/ [0xb7f63f73]
     #9 /lib/ [0xb7f67ac4]
     #10 /lib/ [0xb7f63a96]
     #11 /lib/ [0xb7f673c9]
     #12 /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ [0xb7f3ae1d]
     #13 /lib/ [0xb7f63a96]
     #14 /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ [0xb7f3b49c]
     #15 /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ [0xb7f3ad54]
     #16 /usr/lib/ [0xb7d24751]
     #17 /usr/lib/ [0xb7d49163]
     #18 /usr/lib/ [0xb7d2936a]
     #19 /usr/lib/ [0xb7d29761]
     #20 /usr/lib/ [0xb7d448bc]
     #21 /usr/lib/ [0xb7c53b2e]
     #22 /usr/lib/qt3/plugins/inputmethods/ [0xb70227b5]
     #23 /usr/lib/qt3/plugins/inputmethods/ [0xb7022a0f]
     #24 /usr/lib/qt3/plugins/inputmethods/ [0xb7022c7e]
     #25 /usr/lib/ [0xb7c53c10]
     #26 /usr/lib/ [0xb79a6a8d]
     #27 /usr/lib/ [0xb79a6d93]
     #28 /usr/lib/ [0xb7b2719d]
     #29 /usr/lib/ [0xb7b845c8]
     #30 /usr/lib/ [0xb7b8584f]
     #31 /usr/lib/ [0xb7b85ae4]
     #32 /usr/lib/parallels/parallels-linux [0x80e1008]
     #33 /usr/lib/parallels/parallels-linux [0x8181333]
     #34 /usr/lib/parallels/parallels-linux [0x812163e]
     #35 /usr/lib/parallels/parallels-linux [0x812080f]
     #36 /usr/lib/parallels/parallels-linux [0x8274de7]
     #37 /usr/lib/parallels/parallels-linux [0x808d7e9]
     #38 /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ [0xb74688cc]
     #39 /usr/lib/parallels/parallels-linux(_ZN6QFrame10paintEventEP11QPaintEvent+0x3d) [0x808a461]
    I've seen other threads where people say they've fixed segfaults by entering an activation key, but I don't even get a window, so can't enter a registration key.

    Can anyone help. If this works well, I'll buy a license. I just want to test it to make sure it works well.


  2. dumbkiwi

    dumbkiwi Bit poster

    I've also tried putting in the trial registration key using:
    parallels -r [registration-code]
    which gives an identical result.
  3. djensen

    djensen Bit poster

    What are you getting when you run parallels-config?

    Are you running parallels as root?

    Did you download the debian package file or the tarball?
  4. dumbkiwi

    dumbkiwi Bit poster

    parallels-config runs without error.

    I am not running parallels as root.

    I downloaded and installed the .deb file. Presumably the tarball that they offer still only installs binaries (except for the kernel modules), so I'm not sure how that would change things. Or am I missing something?
  5. David Corrales

    David Corrales Hunter

    Mods, please ban this account, it's a spammer.
  6. brutimus

    brutimus Bit poster

    I'm seeing the same problem. I get parallels to start, then when i try to start a VM, it crashes and says that message.
  7. dumbkiwi

    dumbkiwi Bit poster

    Enter the registration code, and that should fix it.
  8. shirsch

    shirsch Bit poster

    This has little to do with license issues. For reasons known only to the Parallels developers, it needs to temporarily rename one of the Qt libraries during initialization. This will succeed only when started as root.

    Try invoking as 'sudo parallels' and I'll bet it comes to life.

    It would really be nice if Parallels development could comment on this!

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