I've been a customer for quite a while and usually update any programs if I use them a lot. I received an email around the end of October asking me to upgrade my parallels to version 5 and that I only had 15 days or so to do so if I wanted to receive a discount. Then every few days I would get another email, asking me to upgrade. Now I didn't un-subscribe from the newletters as I was undecided if I wanted to upgrade or not. With only a couple of days to go, I decided to upgrade and went ahead with it. You'd think these emails would stop arriving after I bought the upgrade, but no, I still receive them every few days, and it's annoying. What's more, you're still offering the same discount to this very day that was supposed to expire back in November. I don't mind the odd email from a company I do business with, if fact, I wouldn't have known about the upgrade if I didn't receive that first one. So, do I un-subscribe from your mailing list or are Parallels going to find a way to stop asking people to buy stuff they already bought? -Nico
Niconedz, Le's create a ticket for you with customer service team and check this situation closer. What do think?
I have the same issue, keep getting them over and over again even-though I bought the new version when it came out, I have a filter applied on emails from Parallels now. H.
Hi I'm still getting these emails for the same version I purchased back in November. Sorry to bring this back into the forum again, but Tatiana, I couldn't find anywhere on the website to enter that ticket number.
Please go http://www.parallels.com/support/request/ >> authorize by your account >> Customer Service and Licensing >> Parallels Desktop >> etc. and you will file a free ticket to Customer Service team. Let me know the number so I can track it.