Parallels Tools for Linux

Discussion in 'Feature Suggestions' started by vilmoskörte, Nov 5, 2006.

  1. vilmoskörte

    vilmoskörte Member

    I use Linux a lot as a VM and really would appreciate to have mouse and screen support as under Windows.
  2. David Corrales

    David Corrales Hunter

    I've been complaining about it for ages now :)
  3. wingdo

    wingdo Pro

    It would be quite nice.
  4. JollyRoger

    JollyRoger Member

    Add me to that list as well :(

    Sorta lame if you ask me..
  5. tgrogan

    tgrogan Pro

    Add me to the list of people who have given up on Parallels running Linux guests. Many months have gone by since the promise of Linux Tools, and it's getting to be quite obvious that Parallels focus has changed. They should consider re-branding their company as Parallels-Mac and quit hiding where they are putting their resources. I have to admit that I had purchased VMware just before Parallels became available and purchased Parallels only as a way to run Linus distros for testing. But I've run out of time to load Linux into Parallels, and fiddle with Parallels lack of basic features in their Linux guests while they jump to put little niceties into their Mac version. Guess I'll just use VMware.....
  6. David Corrales

    David Corrales Hunter

    Wish I had VMWare. What made me get Parallels was the price tag, and some upcoming features. We'll have to see how things develop as time passes.
  7. constant

    constant Forum Maven

    Maybe, just maybe, a surprise awaits.
  8. tgrogan

    tgrogan Pro

    For those who are very patient.... Don't think it would qualify as a 'suprise' at this point. More like meets minimum requirements.
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2006
  9. tgrogan

    tgrogan Pro

    Time has passed! I've had Parallels running on a test machine since the day it came out. Since I'm not into time I can't be sure, but the Win/Linux version has been stable and incomplete since around Feb of this year. Other than supporting a few obvious omissions, nothing much has improved feature-wise since then. Maybe we should whine a lot more to get the attention of the management.
  10. itsdapead

    itsdapead Hunter

    Linux tools for Parallels-Mac would be quite nice too :)
  11. tgrogan

    tgrogan Pro

    Tools are for guests - the host doesn't matter. But then maybe they are having trouble making the Tools work with a mac so everybody else has to wait.
  12. itsdapead

    itsdapead Hunter

    More likely, its seen as less of an issue for Mac users and they're currently concentrating on the things like 3D games and talking to non-Mac-compatible USB devices that the majority of Mac users buy Parallels for.

    This is probably a sensible decision for people who like to eat hot food and sleep indoors:

    In the Windows/Linux markets, Parallels are competing with VMWare and Microsoft - both of whom have longer established products and brands, both of whom give away quite useful versions of their products for free.

    In the newly-created Mac market, however, M$ have decided not to play, VMWare is still "coming soon" (and will probably not be free) while Parallels have been shipping product for months and have a window of opportunity to establish themselves as the leading brand.

    I know which horse I'd bet on. Getting V3/Mac out the door before VMWare/Mac launches will secure a lot of people's mortgages.
  13. ipstacks

    ipstacks Junior Member

    OS X and Linux is there anything else?

    I have parallels on my MacBook and I would like to run the Linux OS I have installed in the bootcamp partition in parallels. Is this what the tools package is for? I would like to add my name to the list of people that would like to have parallels tools for Linux. It is my understanding parallels is under heavy development. I hope they aren't excluding the Apple and Linux crowd.
  14. tgrogan

    tgrogan Pro

    No, Linux Tools have nothing to do with using an installed OS in Parallels, that is an entirely different issue. Linux Tools, if they existed, perform the same functions as windoze tools which is to increase usability and performance of a Linux VM in Parallels.
  15. webfrasse

    webfrasse Bit poster

    There is a simple workaround for the mouse and screen support when you run linux in a VM (any VM). Start a VNC server in the VM and connect to it from the host with a VNC client. It performs very well (like VMware with tools installed) and there is no issue with the mouse being locked in the VM.

  16. JollyRoger

    JollyRoger Member

    Bump for linux tools... :(
  17. mike3k

    mike3k Member

    I *really* want Parallels Tools for Linux, since I run Linux a lot more often than I run Windows. I'd be happy if it only did mouse synchronization.

    The VMWare beta that was released today has VMWare tools for Linux which provides mouse synchronization. *PLEASE* support Linux at least as well as VMWare does. I don't want to have to switch to VMWare after having several kernel panics since I installed it.
  18. vilmoskörte

    vilmoskörte Member

    I really don't want to mess around with VNC for this, c'mon parallels, give ut he tools for Linux. Also read from where I cite:
  19. titetanium

    titetanium Member

    Ditto for Parallels Tools for Linux and Solaris.
  20. mike3k

    mike3k Member

    This is the one feature I *REALLY* want. I've tried the VMWare beta and I find that it's far superior to Parallels for running Linux. They have tools for linux that let you move the mouse freely in and out of the window (which is the one thing that REALLY annoys me about Parallels) and keeps the clock synchronized.

    I'm seriously considering switching to VMware for that reason alone.

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