Parallels said Tools not in sync with application?

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by bkingbking, Feb 26, 2007.

  1. bkingbking

    bkingbking Junior Member

    Parallels application randomly announced that my Tools were not in sync. Unsure how this occurred since I have not updated anything in a while. So I dutifully followed the instructions and now my shared folders do not work (even though shared folder is enabled). All of my Windows docs are in shared folder and thus I cannot use any Windows apps.

    Has anyone had this happen? How did they get the shared folders to work again. Also, this same (broken) process completed screwed with my Windows screen resolution and desktop background image.

    Separately, I have been so unbelievably unimpressed with Parallels support. They never respond to inquiries (email or phone) regarding initial installation issues. But I have received a call from a sales person trying to sell me more licenses. Another annoyance is that the forums and My Account require different username and passwords. Has anyone tried VMware Fusion? Should I switch?

    Thanks in advance for any assistance!

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