I'm running an Ubuntu 7.10 host but I cannot get any guest machines installed. I consistently get the error: ---- Parallels Workstation experience problem when trying to allocate physical memory in PAE mode. The current version of Parallels Workstation supports up to 4 GB of physical memory. To fix the problem you have to change the auto detected memory size to 4096MB. Add to your boot loader the following option "mem=4096M". ---- I've tried to add that option in Grub, but haven't had any success. I only have 3.5 GB of RAM in anyway, so it doesn't seem like this should be a problem. Any clues? David
We have a system with 4GB of RAM, and we got that same error message. I edited the /boot/grub/menu.lst file to add the suggested kernel opt. (Note: The line starting with "kernel" ends with "mem=4096M") title Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.20-16-generic root (hd0,0) kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.20-16-generic root=UUID=20383353-5db7-4ba1-b961-7d832fdf03d2 ro quiet splash mem=4096M initrd /initrd.img-2.6.20-16-generic quiet savedefault In your case since you have only 3.5GB of RAM, might adjust the number down 512MB, so possibly try mem=3584M
Seems I was not 100% correct in my post of how to update the kernel boot options. Please see this URL: Boot Options \ Making Permanent changes https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Making Permanent changes At least that is the way for Ubuntu. Other distros may handle such changes differently.