Parallels Hard Drive Space Question...

Discussion in 'macOS Virtual Machine' started by StarShot, Nov 21, 2013.

  1. StarShot

    StarShot Member

    I'm running Parallel 8.x on my MacBook Air 256GB machine with Windows 7.x.x. Is there anyway to see how much HD (SSD) is taken by Parallels? And is there any way to change the allocation if there is one? My main purpose for Parallels is to run Excel. Probably over 95% of my time, I'm on the OS X side (Mavericks). So I would like to either reduce or minimize any space that Parallels/Windows is taking so that I can run more video on the OS X side. A few days ago I got a message that I was running low on HD space and I had to delete several videos that I wasn't completely ready to dump.

    I have absolutely no desire to upgrade to Windows 8 or any future versions as my MBA is running so well.

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