Parallels crashed

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by DarrellG2, Dec 19, 2017.

  1. DarrellG2

    DarrellG2 Bit poster

    Was using Parallels, and walked away from my computer and it went in to sleep mode. When I moved the mouse to activate the screen, Parallels screen was black across the top, and I again could not click on any of the icons as per a previous issue that Meena had helped me rectify. I now again cannot use the Parallels software. This is getting extremely frustrating as I only use this software a couple times a month for a specific program, however it seems to crash more than it works.

    Can someone at Parallels help me rectify the latest issue I am dealing with.

  2. Meenakshi@Parallels

    Meenakshi@Parallels Pro

    Hello DarrellG2, please go to System Preferences > Energy Saver > choose computer sleep to 'Never' and Display Sleep to 'Never' and see if this helps. Thanks!
  3. DarrellG2

    DarrellG2 Bit poster

    Hi Meena, that did not fix the issue.
  4. alexg

    alexg Parallels Developers

    DarrellG2, could you send me the report and post here the number? I suspect i do know what are you talking about.

    Attached Files:

  5. DarrellG2

    DarrellG2 Bit poster

    Thank you again Parallels support staff, although I find it frustrating with the issues I have had in the short time I have used this software, it is reassuring to know that the support staff is able to troubleshoot the issue for me to get me back online. The fix was a reset which was recommended by Alfeena in my previous thread.

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