Parallels and Boot camp partition

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by steffi, May 18, 2007.

  1. steffi

    steffi Bit poster

    I've been running VMWare Fusion a lot and I've seen that it can successfully isolate changes in bootcamp partition from when you dual boot bootcamp. I assume it has hardware profiles or something do to this.

    I want to know if Parallels can do the same such that I can point it at my bootcamp partition which already has the VMWare tools installed and I want to know that in doing this it's not going to mess up either VMWare Fusion seeing Bootcamp or booting Bootcamp directly. So what exactly is Parallels doing with the Bootcamp partition when it starts?

    I don't want to mess up an existing Bootcamp partition because Parallels thinks it's the onlyl program with visibility to it.

    Alternatively is it possible to run Transporter to make an isolated image of my bootcamp partition for Parallels to run as a virtual partition?
    Last edited: May 18, 2007

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