Parallels 9 + Windows 7 + Mavericks OS 10.9 = No network, no internet on windows side

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by baltobikeboi, Jan 25, 2014.

  1. baltobikeboi

    baltobikeboi Bit poster

    FOUR HOURS and I'm done. ARGH!

    OK, so upgraded last fall to Parallels 9 from 7, and while on Mountain Lion. Upgraded to Mavericks this past November/December and since then have NO NETWORKING on Parallels.

    - Firewalls are OFF in both OSs
    - have made sure the "Connected" is selected in the Configuration section (on the mac side, Parallels > Right click virtual machine > Choose network, change various settings)
    - doesn't matter if you change the MAC address in the configuration options
    - doesn't matter which NIC you choose (by default the mac uses the Intel one for Boot Camp and I wonder if there might be a conflict there)
    - I've tried the "switch from shared to bridge and back to shared" thing - nothing.
    - bridge mode will says connected - doesn't matter if it is Default Adapter, WiFi etc. still says that - but, if you check ipconfig (Start menu > cmd > ipconfig ) you get "Media Disconnected"
    - local media (on the mac side) will show the HOME folder (your mac Home folder) however it doesn't show the other disks - even when you select "Share All OS X folders" and "...Disks" (the little hand on the Parallels Tools at the bottom of Windoze side of things)

    So. What I see is a connection thinking it's being made and its not - Parallels reports that the connection is established, but it is not. Windows proves it such since their is no ping to anything, and ipconfig /all shows "Media Disconnected" (the NIC adapter).

    Digging - ipconfig /all reveals that the physical address of the Windoze vm is being reported as 00-00-00-00-00-00-00-E0 - that means the virtual machine doesn't have a MAC address - pretty sure that's kinda important (I'm not a network genius but not a newb either). Putting the adapter into shared does nothing. Putting the adapter into the vnic Bridged (assume that's virtual network interface card) NOTHING.

    So something ain't right in how parallels is supposed to be assigning to, or sharing from/to a MAC address that allows the windows VM to be ON a network since I'm assuming it can't without one.

    Am I nuts....?
  2. baltobikeboi

    baltobikeboi Bit poster

    OK, one last thing... I dug into the Parallels installer (view package contents...) and into the part that holds Parallel Tools. Using Daemon Tools Lite I mounted the disk and copied the contents directly into the Windows virtual machine to install the Parallel Tools. I did this because, when you check into the Device Manager section the ONLY network adapter listed there is the one Mac OS 10 Boot Camp provides - the Intel Pro/1000 one - AND it's "not working properly because Windows cannot load the drivers required for this device. (Code 31)" - but the SAME adapter works JUST FINE in Boot Camp I might add - so, again, it's not the device it's Parallels software that can't seem to a) install its own virtual NICs or get this one to play nice. What a PITA!
  3. DaxJ

    DaxJ Bit poster

    Did you ever get Bridged mode working? I need the VM's to run in Bridged mode for their use on the network. In shared mode, the IP used puts the VM on different subnets. In bridged mode, the VM should pull an IP from the network DHCP server. Very frustrating since it used to work great under older versions of Parallels and MacOS.
  4. Manoj@Parallels

    Manoj@Parallels Parallels Support Parallels Support

  5. DaxJ

    DaxJ Bit poster

    As you can see from the comments above, the suggested steps do not even begin to address the problem. I finally managed to get mine to work by finding a thread that said to modify the booted.plist file. Once I modified it, I was able to get the bridged network to work. Specifically, there are two lines that either need to be deleted or edited for the DHCP name server to allow the VM to communicate with the DHCP server.
  6. chuckkahn

    chuckkahn Junior Member

    I have the same problem with a MBP2011 but not with a MBA2013 -- I upgraded both to the same version of Parallels. Is it a hardware issue? Do both have the same Intel ethernet hardware? And what is this booted.plist thread you speak of? I don't see it on this site when I search for "booted.plist".
  7. DaxJ

    DaxJ Bit poster

    It is the bootpd.plist file. Autocorrect mistake. The thread was not here on parallels, it was in another forum. Google search the filename. I can't find the post right now, but it dealt with deleting 2 lines in the file for the DHCP Server name that was created by the Mac. For my systems, it corrected my issue.
  8. aktac67

    aktac67 Bit poster

    I use Parallels instead of Bootcamp with OS 10-9 Maverick, the Windows OS is 8.1. After reading KB8978 and going through the steps. Nothing, I had programs either slowly accessing the internet or not at all.
    In KB8978 I would put check Mac System Preferences - Network and set Parallels Network1 to the same type. Before Reinstalling Parallels ToolsMine.
    Mine was Ethernet. Now all my programs access the internet.
  9. Looran@Parallels

    Looran@Parallels Parallels Support

    Hi Everyone,

    Network adapters in the Virtual Machine are determined by the installation of Parallels Tools.

    Please follow the steps outlined on the article below to install Parallels Tools:

    Once Parallels Tools are installed you should be able to access to the network and also have all Parallels Tools features available.


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