Parallels 9 / OS X Mavericks / Autocad 2013

Discussion in 'macOS Virtual Machine' started by dj-mac, Oct 31, 2013.

  1. dj-mac

    dj-mac Bit poster

    I am trying to run Autocad 2013 in a OS X 10.9 VM in Parallels Desktop 9. I launch Autocad, it says loading…. Then I get an error message "WHIP failed to initialize" and it exits.

    I am running this on a MBP, 8GB OS X 10.7.5. The VM with 4 GB memory, 1024 MB video memory, 3D acceleration on (same thing happens with 3D off).
    Autocad 2011 runs with no issues on native OS X on this system.

    Any ideas where to begin looking for a solution? I need to test all apps in OS X 10.9 before I put it into production.

    Thanks in advance
  2. Specimen

    Specimen Product Expert

    There's no Hardware Acceleration for OS X VMs, AutoCAD doesn't work without it. Apple does not give the necessary API access for Parallels to build the drivers, AFAIK.

    So no, you won't be able to test apps on an OSX VM that depend on Hardware Acceleration, it's a shame, I know.
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2013
  3. dj-mac

    dj-mac Bit poster

    Thanks for the clarification. Guess I will have to wait to test any apps that need hardware acceleration until I upgrade.

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