Parallels 6 and Num Lock

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by VenkR, Sep 28, 2010.

  1. VenkR

    VenkR Bit poster

    I'm running XP in Parallels 6 (upgraded today), and I have an application that uses the num lock key for another purpose. It seems that whenever Parallels loses focus (i.e. I switch to the Mac side of things) and regains focus, Parallels sends two num lock codes to the VM, which results in a very annoying behavior from my primary application. I am not sure I can change that mapping with the Windows app I am using, so I am hoping this is a setting that I am missing or something that can be fixed. Parallels folks, any thoughts?


    -- Venk --
  2. RobinH

    RobinH Bit poster

    I also have this problem. I have no use for the numlock key in windows, so I reassigned numlock to open Calculator.exe. The problem is that when multitasking between Parallels and OS X I quickly become overwhelmed with instances of Calculator.exe that spawn (two at a time) when refocusing Parallels.

    Unfortunately most searches of "parallels numlock" result in pages and pages of Mac users who aren't familiar with the operation of the numeric keypad under Windows. VenkR is the first person I have seen who has also encountered this problem.

    If there is a solution out there I would appreciate it.
  3. BradC

    BradC Bit poster

    I'm having the exact same problem whenever I give switch focus back to Parallels (running Windows 7). Hopefully there's an easy fix for this, since it is quite frustrating.
  4. Fraz

    Fraz Bit poster

    I have the same issue and it's affecting our user's workflow.. Everytime the switch between Windows and Mac. Will there be a fix for this issue?

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