Parallels 12 and Ubuntu 16.10 upgrade thread

Discussion in 'Linux Virtual Machine' started by Pbryanw, Oct 28, 2016.

  1. Pbryanw

    Pbryanw Junior Member

    I was using an Ubuntu 16.04 virtual machine with Parallels Desktop 12 for Mac. I've just read the review for Ubuntu 16.10 on Ars Technica. So I thought I'd see if I could upgrade my current Ubuntu 16.04 VM to 16.10.

    With Parallels Tools installed, the upgrade would hang after restarting, So, before proceeding with my upgrade, I first uninstalled Parallels Tools. You can do this by running this command in Terminal:
    sudo /usr/lib/parallels-tools/install -r
    After installing Tools in the newly upgraded VM, I experienced some graphical corruption when running the Ubuntu VM in a window. To fix this, I had to disable 3D Acceleration for my Virtual Machine (Configure -> Hardware -> Graphics -> Advanced Settings -> 3D Acceleration -> Off).

    Ubuntu 16.10 is now running very well in Parallels. Copy & Paste works but I haven't tried Coherence as I don't use this feature. I look forward to speedier, official support for this OS from Parallels. (Edited thread: For clarity).
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2016

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