Outlook can't (really) access .ost files on shared folders

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by Mark, May 2, 2006.

  1. Mark

    Mark Member

    My shared folders are visible and I can double click on a .txt file, edit it and save. However, I've configured Outlook 2003 to store it's data file (outlook.ost) on \\PSF\My Stuff\outlook.ost doesn't work.

    When I started Outlook the first 2 times, it complained that it couldn't access the file.

    As I'm typing this note up, I tried again, and it found the file, then crashed. I then successfully loaded it, but it then complained that it couldn't save any data.

    Overall, the Shared Folders are, for me, the most unstable and poor performing part of product. I hope they can be improved prior to release!

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