OSX10.7 Lion and Parallels Issue

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by JasonHB, Jul 20, 2011.

  1. JasonHB

    JasonHB Bit poster

    Hi All,

    I have installed Lion and I am now unable to run Parallels.

    It starts to load and I then get a dialog box appear, it disappears too quickly to be able to read and then Parallels closes.

    Does anyone have any ideas as to what I can try to resolve this issue.

    I need to use Parallels for my business.

    Thanks in advance.

  2. thisisjess

    thisisjess Junior Member


    I have been running lion for some time on a separate partition. I installed parallels and then dragged my virtuals into the machine list with no problems. I am sorry to hear your troubles but perhaps a fresh install would work.
  3. JasonHB

    JasonHB Bit poster

    I did the Lion upgrade today and did nothing with Parallels prior to the upgrade. Was there something that I should have done?

    I am not sure what you mean by dragging your virtuals into the machine list. Have I missed something?

    Should I just delete the partition for Windows and start again?

  4. JasonHB

    JasonHB Bit poster

    I have managed to get a look at the dialog box that comes up before Parallels closes and it is as follows:-

    The Boot Camp partition "/dev/disk0s3" used by Hard Disk 1 is not supported.

    Please open the virtual machine configuration and select a supported Boot Camp partition in the Hard Disk 1 settings.

    Any ideas?

  5. thisisjess

    thisisjess Junior Member

    I am saying my situation was a little different because i did not have parallels installed. but did you do the latest parallels update first? if not i would update parallels and then try importing your virtual again.
  6. Simon Waddington

    Simon Waddington Member

  7. alev

    alev Parallels Team

  8. DeShawnB

    DeShawnB Hunter

    Hey Jason.

    What version of PD are you running? PD6 is compatible with Lion. Make sure you're on the latest version of PD6 too http://kb.parallels.com/en/111612
  9. MichaelSss

    MichaelSss Bit poster

    Still Having Trouble

    I've tried that 'solution' a few times this morning and have not had any luck.

    I have updated to the latest, but am still having trouble when I try to start my virtual machine.

    Is there something I'm missing as far as importing it again or anything? I just keep getting the disk0s3 error.


  10. Tom Collignon

    Tom Collignon Member

    Same problem. Just push again on parallels icon and VM appears (already started up).
  11. DeShawnB

    DeShawnB Hunter

    Hey Mike,

    When you say you have trouble when it starts, what do you mean? Please elaborate a little more.

    Also, check out some known issues we've seen from Lion here: http://kb.parallels.com/en/111614

    Please provide feedback on the article if you see anything we haven't.
  12. MichaelSss

    MichaelSss Bit poster

    I mean that when I press on the button to start my Virtual Windows 7, I get the disk error that is stated above and is referenced in the link you provide as a solutions above.

    I've updated to the latest version of Parallels, restarted it and Parallels runs, but I can not fire up my virtual machine, just keep knocking into that disk error.
  13. DeShawnB

    DeShawnB Hunter

  14. SL1C3R

    SL1C3R Bit poster

    I'm having the issue that's addressed in http://kb.parallels.com/en/111629. It says to 'choose any other Hard Disk source from the list' but my "Source:" list only has 1 choice, "ST9500420ASG (disk0)". The only other option listed is "Choose an image file".

    My Finder lists 2 devices, "<my name>'s MacBook Pro" and "BOOTCAMP". Selecting "<my name>'s MacBook Pro" lists "BOOTCAMP", "Macintosh HD", and "Network". Selecting "BOOTCAMP" shows the bootcamp files.

    Windows 7 boots fine when I press "option" during starting and boot directly to Windows 7.

    So, following your instructions, there is no OTHER disk for me to choose and not save ... before choosing the Boot Camp partition (which I don't really see listed).

    Any ideas?
  15. Mobius

    Mobius Bit poster

    I'm having the same problem as JasonHB. I installed Lion on my Macbook Air, installed the update for Parallels, got the "Hard disk1" error, tried to stop the Windows 7 virtual machine. Now every time I try to access it, it says it's in "stopping mode". VM works fine in Boot Camp. I tried uninstalling Parallels and reinstalling, but just get the same thing. Whenever I open Parallels, the VM is already running, i.e. the "stopping mode" problem, even after restart. Any suggestions?
  16. David R.

    David R. Bit poster

    Having the same problem. I would like to try the support document listed here, http://kb.parallels.com/en/111629 , but I had previously set Parallels to quit after the virtual machine ends. Since the virtual machine is quitting immediately as part of this problem, my Parallels program is quitting immediately as well, so I cannot get to the Virtual Machine menu in time to follow the above instructions.

    Any recommendations?


  17. alev

    alev Parallels Team

    Hello David,

    You could right click PD icon, select "Virtual Machines List".
    Right click on VM in list, select "Configure..."

    Apply KB. By the way you could just remove Hard Disk from configuration, save it, exit, open Configuration again, add BootCamp Hard Disk, save it, use VM.
  18. David R.

    David R. Bit poster


    Thanks for the note! While you are correct that I can right click the Parallels Desktop icon and select the Virtual Machines list, that option is only available while Parallels Desktop is running. Since my Parallels was previously configured to quit when the virtual machine quits, I cannot access this option as Parallels is quitting immediately after I try to open it.

    Would I be better to just try and uninstall Parallels and reinstall?

  19. alev

    alev Parallels Team

    I see..

    I could offer
    1) Either move pvm file to another location
    2) Or use terminal command "prlctl unregister <VMname>"
    Then add VM again and correct VM configuration.
  20. David R.

    David R. Bit poster

    Thanks, Alev. Can you talk me through how I would find the name and location of my virtual machine file? I assumed it was the same name as my boot camp partition, but it must not be as the terminal command did not work with that name. Thank you!


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