Hello I am running OS2 Warp V3 in Parallels WS 2.1 (WinXP host) and I am not able to set the screen resolution to more than 640x480. In the Parallels Tools I can't find a video driver for OS2. Do I miss something or is it simply not possible?
Hello, To be able to set the resolutions larger than 640x480, please install Generic GRADD video driver into your OS/2 Warp 3 guest. The driver could be downloaded from the IBM FTP at ftp://ftp.software.ibm.com/ps/products/os2/videopak/graddbb/ . For its installation this driver requires fixpack 35 or higher, which can be downloaded from the IBM site at http://www-1.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg24000760
OS/2 V4 *includes* a GENGRADD that Parallels can use! Fortunately, this does NOT apply to Warp V4, as it includes a GENGRADD that Parallels likes. One quibble (this applies to *all* versions of OS/2, and is not a Parallels problem): OS/2 actually looks better in 16-bit color (65536 colors) than 24-bit color (16.7 million colors). I had my V4 guest at 24-bit color (1024x768), but dropped back to 16-bit color due to too much green. The XP host runs at 1280x960 in 32-bit color.