Opposite printing problem than others

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by danison, May 9, 2007.

  1. danison

    danison Bit poster

    I have Parallels running XP. The two OS work fine independently. I can print from Mac, OR from Windoze. But FIRST I have to go turn off the settings in Parallels (disconnect the USB).

    I have spent hours (days) trying to figure out how to get both OS to work at the same time. Mac will NOT print if WIndoze has "captured" the printer.... It sure seems as if Mac should be the boss here, not microshaft.

    I have print sharing turned on already. I can be on the internet in both at the same time.

    Any suggestions??

  2. Art743

    Art743 Member

    I went thru the same thing. Until someone explained to me that the usb printer is not actually best printing as a usb device inParallels. Download Bonjour, a small Apple app that sets the printer to work back through the network (internet) connection that Parallels uses for the mac-win interface. Once installed the printer setup theu Bonjour is automatic and works normally and reliably without any issues as you move between mac and win.

    Hope this helps.

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