opening contact (.vcf) attachments from Gmail in Outlook 2003

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by chuckkahn, Mar 26, 2017.

  1. chuckkahn

    chuckkahn Junior Member

    Download contact (.vcf) attachment from Gmail and opening with Outlook 2003 for Windows.

    In Chrome for Mac opening with Outlook 2003 for Windows attachment opens as an Outlook mail with a .vcf attachment.

    In Chrome for Windows opening with Outlook 2003 for Windows attachment opens as an Outlook contact. This is the expected behaviour. Contact opens as contact, not as mail with .vcf attachment.

    Why does Outlook 2003 receive the .vcf file differently depending whether it is coming via:

    - Mac El Capitan > Chrome > Gmail
    - Windows 7 > Chrome > Gmail ?

    It is the same file (.vcf attachment). It is the same destination (Outlook 2003). It is an attachment from Gmail. The only difference is the Mac / Windows platform for Gmail.

    Chrome Version 56.0.2924.87 (64-bit) on Mac
    Chrome Version 56.0.2924.87 (64-bit) on Windows

    I want to open the contact attachment as an Outlook contact in Outlook 2003 so I'm forced to run Gmail in Chrome on the Windows side for this to happen.
  2. PaulChristopher@Parallels

    PaulChristopher@Parallels Product Expert Staff Member

    Hi @chuckkahn you may try going to your VM configuration settings > Options > Applications > uncheck Share Mac Applications With Windows and reboot the Vm
    Now go back and check Share mac applications with windows then see if you can set your defaults.
    Sometimes the defaults file associations for parallels get broken and this should reset them in your windows VM
    report back to let me know if this help.Thanks
  3. chuckkahn

    chuckkahn Junior Member

    Didn't work. The problem is that the right program is opening the right file in the *wrong* way. Outlook is opening the file as an email message when Outlook should be opening the file as a contact. Opening within Windows, Outlook will open the file as a contact. Opening from Mac, Outlook opens the file as an email with a contact attachment.

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