What if a very basic plls tools interface were made available as open source? maybe a basic linux kernel driver, and then a user mode program to interchange mouse location, screen resize, .. a couple of basic things. That would make it easier for community built tools for other OSes, say solaris, plan9, ..... it could also be interesting for the OS developer However, admittedly I have not thought through the implications of this from an IP perspective. i.e. perhaps it would reveal too much of parallel's inner workings. And, it would bring security implications. I wrote elsewhere about concern that the guest OS not have too much power. Publicizing the API would be an open door to experimentation. But, it might be a good idea.
I think that an API is the bare minimum. While a peak into their tools might reveal things they do not want to reveal (*insert obligatory open source versus closed source discussion here*). I, for one, would like to see an API. I think that there is talk of this for Parallels Server which should be coming out soon. But, until the volume in this form is halved, I think an API might cause more harm then good.